As I continue the effort to get the word out about my book, I have been "encouraged" by people much younger than me that I need a Facebook page. There are reasons that I might be the only person in America not to have a Facebook page. This post is not long enough to list all of those reasons, but the fact that I am "social media inept" and FOF (fear of Facebook) are right at the top of the list.
So until I face my fears I will continue to use some old school means of communication, including finding local merchants to sell my books in their stores.
In a previous post, I mentioned the Glenburn Grill and Bakery had agreed to set up a table displaying my books for sale. I am very grateful, but I was somewhat unprepared, not even having a sign to draw attention to the books.
With the help of my granddaughter Ryan, my problem was solved. As opposed to social media we are using "colored pencil media" to draw attention to the books displayed at the Glenburn Grill. Ryan made me a "one of a kind" handmade sign that is priceless.
I may never warm up to the social media rage but until that time I am blessed to have grandkids that are exponentially more valuable than social media!
I enjoyed reading this post, Bill, and an author friend offered this comment:
"BTW I’m enjoying your excerpts from Power of Simple Service. Please reassure Bill Mulligan that he’s not the only person with “social media ineptitude"—there are plenty of us around!"
so awesome!! love it!!!