Full disclosure: my wife Rosemary has read and approved the release of the blog post below.
I will give you two clues. The items in the picture are not chocolate chip pancakes and this is the Christmas cookie season at our house.
Just to cover my tracks here I want to mention a few things that my wife does well. She is excellent at her day job. If you don't know what her day job is, I can't tell you or I would have to kill you, but she is really good at it. She is an excellent Mother and Grandmother. She is a great friend to many, she lights up a room when she walks or trips in as she is becoming a bit accident-prone. And until today she was pretty good at cookie baking, making today's effort all the more confusing.
So being that it is cookie season, my wife, our daughter-in-law, and our grandkids scheduled a cookie baking session today while I was out working with a friend on a home renovation project.
After a hard day at the worksite, I came home to that wonderful aroma of home baked cookies. In fact, I smelled the cookies all the way out in the garage. Upon entering the house, the aroma did not match the finished product, something had gone wrong. Terribly wrong, 2020 wrong!
Rosemary immediately tried to explain. First, she said that she forgot the sugar in the recipe. She quickly changed her story to "I mismeasured the sugar" and finally confessed that she forgot to add the eggs. Frankly, I know nothing about cookie baking but I am fairly certain that eggs and sugar are really important. Oh, and somewhere along the way her Kitchen-Aid mixer stopped working and she had to call my son to reset a breaker. Did I mention that this is 2020?
My granddaughter suggested that as bad as they looked, they tasted pretty good. So I tried one. They weren't terrible but they didn't really taste like chocolate chip cookies...more like sugar cookies. Very sugary sugar cookies. Apparently, if your cookie recipe goes south, the suggested fix is to add more sugar, lots more sugar. I am guessing that sugar is equivalent to duct tape on a home repair project. When home repair projects go south, add the duct tape.
I want to mention one more thing that Rosemary is really good at. She is excellent at being my wife. Being my wife is not an easy assignment. I can be grumpy, sarcastic, and pompous. Sometimes I can be all three at one time! She is really a good sport for allowing me to poke fun at her 2020 chocolate chip, pancake-looking sugar cookies!
I will end by borrowing a line from that guy from New Jersey that we used to like before he got too political: "Merry Christmas baby, sure did treat me nice!"